Thursday 9 August 2018

Reflections on a Gipsy Village Visit (by Gina Lillywhite)

Today I had a refreshing time at the Gypsy Village. Saw how hard it can be to live in their conditions. Makes me feel bad because I have so much which they don’t have back in Claygate. I am so happy I was part of today’s experience. Seeing blessings in a tight atmosphere. God is still looking after them in miracles. The people there are very welcoming. A young lady allowed me to hold her 4 month baby. To allow someone to hold your baby is an honour. Especially someone who she doesn’t know. The kindness in the village is memorable. Can’t wait to go back! 
Below is a photo of one of the gypsy ladies in her beautiful garden!

1 comment:

  1. It has been lovely to read the blog - especially Emma's appreciation of how the regular visits in the winter as well as the summers over the years has cemented a bond of fellowship and love between our brothers and sisters in Claygate and Petersfield (and beyond) and those in Transcarpathia through our Lord Jesus Christ.I have been especially interested to see how Vicki and Sue and Pepi, all of you visiting for the first time have thrown yourselves in to putting on a Connections programme similar to ours at HTC with hand massages and games and how the visits to they gypsy village have borne fruit. I presume all the medicines which were confiscated in Romania arrived safely?
    Please pass on our love to the folks in Akli, Gyula and Uj Akli and have a safe journey back all of you and may God be with you and watch over you in everything you do. Love from Jill and RogerXXX
